18years with parents’ consent and 21 years without parent consent
What are the terms to own a firearm if you are under 21?
You must have dedicated status, Estate firearm that is inherited by you or you must be gainfully employed.
How many firearms may I poses on my name?
It depends, if you don’t have dedicated status under section 16 you may only poses 4 firearms.
If you have dedicated status you may possess more than 4 firearms including a self-loading rifle or shotgun under section 16
What is the difference between dedicated sport and hunting status under section 16 and occasional sport and hunting status under section 15?
Dedicated sport and hunting under section 16 means you have to belong to a shooting organisation that is registered with SAPS and may
poses more than 4 firearms.
Occasional sport shooting and hunting under section 15 means you may only poses 4 firearms and you only have to show the registrar
at CFR activity that you use this firearms for hunting or sport, like photos where you hunt, or at the range, shooting register or farmer letters.
You do not have to belong to a shooting club or a shooting organisation.
How many firearms may I poses under self-defense (section 13)?
Only one firearm, it may be a revolver, pistol or a shotgun.
What is the difference between a SAPS competency and a firearm proficiency certificate?
SAPS Competency certificate can only be applied or received from your local Police station at the DFO.
A firearm proficiency certificate and statement of results will be issued from a registered firearm trainer
provider after training was commenced, a copy of the proficiency certificate and statement of results must be
handed in with your SAPS competency application.